Wednesday 17 June 2009

Information Age

As a society, we do not live in a "time". At certain points in history, civilizations have had tiny revolutions on all aspects of life. Wagner had his romantic period, where the arts, politics, philosophy, architecture and design reflect the importance of emotion and aesthetic experience. Societies accomplishments produced at this time are timeless, with beautiful churches, breathtaking symphonies and lip-trembling paintings to leave behind. This could often be explained by their furious love for God and unnatural fear of hell, but at least this created something beautiful (not forgetting the many people who died as a cause of this irreverent 'piety'). When we make things today, we are far more concerned with profit and increased consumption to make things we are proud of, or things which last, which is a great shame. In this sense, the fear of hell is sometimes the only incentive powerful enough for us to surpass wealth in order to create beauty (this shows a lot about the human condition).

The differences brought about by these movements are subtle, often beautiful (excl. post-modernism's ghastly city center concrete jungles!) and always lasting. The problem is, triggering this type of mini social revolution involves effort and that is the key thing us Brits lack.
Things are obviously wrong in our country - noted by the familiar upturn in power of the extreme right wing often associated with recessions we have seen recently - why do we not demand change?
Sound moral thinkers and passionate human beings have stopped expressing themselves, potential Dali's and Oscar Wildes are convinced that art is not a proper career, the outlook is bleak. The only abundance there is, is that of information. Money is scarce, resources are scarce(or made to seem scarce for our own 'good'), but the amount of information is growing exponentially.
Use this information, learn, better ourselves and help fix what our fathers have fucked up.

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